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Marketing and Advertising Solutions

Marketing and advertising solutions methods have changed dramatically and have become an important tool for communication with your customers. Digital advertising also is growing rapidly through various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapshot, etc. that it is possible to see advertising to a wide range of audiences. Mobile and telephone advertising, printed advertisements such as Periodic advertising, brochures and promotions at the point of sale and direct mail ads, radio and television advertising, environmental advertising, public service advertising, etc. all our different methods for marketing and advertising solutions, which based on the root of the business or culture of the environment they would be effective to attract clients. In this article, we investigate different methods for your better understanding and in SAMYARI Art and Advertising Studio, we can guide you on which is more suited for your best Marketing and advertising solutions.

Digital advertising

The ads you see online are in the considered digital advertising. Many websites have different ads, and these ads are one of the main ways to earn money. To know what the benefits of digital advertising are, you should never be able to see the results and effectiveness of your advertising in ordinary advertising, but one of the most important benefits of digital advertising is its measurability. When you advertise in a digital space, you have a variety of tools that show you all the details, from how often you view the ad to the number of audience purchases. What you don’t see in traditional advertising and nowadays this type of marketing and advertising solutions are considered as one the most important factor for marketing and advertising solutions.

Mobile and telephone advertising


Among the new types of advertising methods, telephone and mobile advertising, or more generally, advertising at the level of small and capable devices that can connect to the Internet, has become very popular. With the help of these devices and the use of social networks such as Instagram, Twitter, etc, the ease of advertising with these tools has also shown up. However, the use of these media should also be used with the right planning schedule, because mass advertising may annoy the audience.

Print advertising

In the past, print advertising was one of the most important tools in the field of the advertising industry and was one of the important ways for marketing and advertising solutions, but today, despite various technologies, print advertising is not being used the same as before. The only thing that still affects the effectiveness of print advertising is its distinction and difference. If print ads are designed and implemented differently for each product, it can have a positive impact on an audience. 

Print advertising has 3 sub-categories:

  1. Periodic advertising

    When advertisements are published in journals with a specific publication date, that is, in the form of newspapers, magazines, and so on, they are called periodic advertisements. For many years, this method was one of the most important types of advertising methods, and as a result, millions of viewers saw the image of print advertising on the back of the magazine or in its middle pages.

  2. Brochures, and promotions at the point of sale

    These types of advertisements, which are published in the form of brochures and so on, are sometimes distributed separately and sometimes among the pages of newspapers and magazines for marketing and advertising solutions. These ads can also be placed in the form of informatics and interesting brochures with high-quality material on the counter of the customer relationship section.

  3. Direct mail ads

    Both of the types of advertising methods mentioned above can be placed into the category of direct mail advertising. In fact, in this way, the advertising content is sent to the audience by mail. This method can also be very good and effective, as long as it is not abused by marketing agencies. If creative and engaging techniques are used in this way, it will have a positive effect on the audience and will further integrate them with the brand and product.

Radio and television advertising

Television and radio advertising has been among the most important types of advertising in recent decades. But over time, with the development of various technologies on the Internet and social networks, their importance and effectiveness have gradually diminished. These advertising were able to attract a large audience. Of course, the impact of these media is still very high in some special hours such as the broadcast hours of popular sports games and play an important role in the marketing and advertising solutions field.

Environmental advertising

Any advertisements that the audience encounters outside their home are classified as environmental advertisements. A variety of environmental advertisements, such as billboards, bus advertisements, and so on, placed into this category and can be important for your marketing and advertising solutions, Even TVs and screens that are installed in large squares and advertise are part of this category.

Public service advertising

These ads are published for public information and have no commercial aspect. In the past, the main platform of this category of advertising was television and radio, but today they are also seen in other digital advertising platforms.

Still, there are different Marketing and advertising solutions that can help you to attract clients easier, that is why we recommend you to contact our well-experienced team in SAMYARI Art and Advertising Studio, They are always ready to share their experience with you to boost your growth with the recent marketing strategies.