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Learning internet advertising

Learning internet advertising is essential for the growth of any business. Customers need to know your name or brand in some way, That is why we teach you different methods of Internet advertising and find out which advertising methods are suited for you.

There different ways to do internet advertising which in SAMYARI Art and Advertising Studio’s articles, besides teaching you how to do it professionally, their expert team wi assist you with these steps. In this article, you can get to know about the main key factors for internet advertising and you can enhance your knowledge of this fact to do internet advertising in the best way.

Learning internet advertising methods


1.Search engine advertising (SEM)

In Google’s search engine system (known as Adwords), links to websites are displayed, and for every click that Google users click on a link to an advertiser’s website, a certain fee is charged from the web account. This system in the Google search engine is called click or PPC / CPC, which we will explain in the following.

The reason for the high efficiency of this method of advertising on the Internet is its accuracy. This method of advertising is the closest advertising method for sales. In fact, by identifying and editing keywords that people use to buy exactly the goods or services of a business, they bring them to their website.

2.Email marketing

One of the best ways to advertise on the Internet and Internet marketing is to use a business to introduce yourself to potential customers. Up to 54% of people are interested in e-mailing businesses, and about 71% of them claim that the names of companies for which they are constantly sending e-mails are subconsciously in their minds when shopping.

These numbers are a testament to the importance of learning this method and using it for online business. Spam marketing is a method that was invented with the wrong interpretation of the email marketing method! It should be noted that even if these emails enter your target customer fund, they will be deleted without being read. The important thing in doing the right email marketing is having the right email list for yourself.

3. Click Advertising (CPC / PPC)

In the above description of AdWords, we talked about this method as Internet advertising, which is also used by Google’s search engine system. Click-through advertising is very similar to other types of advertising, except that the advertiser only pays for each click that users make on the banner ad.

This method of advertising on the Internet may be more expensive at first step than conventional banner methods. But since you only pay for people who click on your banner and log in to your website; In fact, this method is more efficient than other methods.

4.Demonstration ads

Demonstration or banner advertising is one of the types of advertising methods on the Internet. Using this method is very simple. In this way, the advertising website advertises its goods or services by designing its advertising banner and renting the banner position of a popular website.

5.Influencer ads

The term influencer was invented by expanding social networks. Influencers are people who have a lot of people following their posts or videos in social media, in other words, they are influential people on others. Influencer marketing method, which is an advertising method on the Internet that has recently found many fans. The influencers can introduce your product or service to their followers in the form of photos, videos or Instagram stories.

When choosing an influencer, such as choosing a website to place a banner, you need to have a general analysis of their audience to fully understand the extent to which their followers match your target audience. When using this method as an advertising method on the Internet, keep in mind that choosing the wrong person for the influencer or how to introduce your product or service can even have a negative effect on your business accordingly you should choose the right person.

Note on internet advertising

These are just some of the key factors that you can use to attract your target audience for your business, to have more detailed information or willing to expand your business you can contact SAMYARI Art and Advertising Studio. Learning internet advertising in our blog is very easy.



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