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How to do content marketing?

How to do content marketing is considered an important procedure in marketing. Content Marketing (CM) is a marketing technique for creating and distributing valuable and relevant content that can attract a specific target audience.

There are many types of CM, accordingly, there are different ways to do it. In this text, the goal is to give you a brief overview of CM techniques to help you understand the opportunities available for you.

Who benefits from content marketing methods?

  • The first group: those who are going to work in their business environment, in the position of a content strategist 
  • The second group: Managers and supervisors whose field of work may be beyond the discussion of marketing and advertising and other discussions related to content strategy, but prefer to have a common language with content activists in their organization.
  • The third group: Those who may never be directly and operationally involved in content marketing or content strategy or content philosophy, but want to get a better understanding of the world around them.

Suggested supplementary method for content marketing

  • To know what is content marketing definition
  • To know What is the purpose of content production
  • To know the content strategy definition and differentiate it from CM
  • To know Introverted marketing and extroverted marketing
  • To know your consumer and exact target audience

5 important ways to do content marketing

content marketing

As it was mentioned there are different methods to do CM, but we have listed 5 most important one below;


Infographics are visual displays of information and data that make it easy for the audience to understand complex information. There are usually long, vertical graphic images that include charts, graphs, statistics, and other information.

Infographics can be effective, as long as one of them is good enough to go hand in hand on social media and stay on the web for years. You can also create a board on the Pinterest site and share infographics with a suitable title.

2.Web pages

Creativity on web pages is one of the important ways that a specific page can be visited and shared by different people.


One method of CM is podcasting. The podcast shows you in a completely different world (in spaces like iTunes and google play). One of the benefits of podcasting is that you provide people with useful and free information that they love. Podcasts can help you in a variety of ways, increase your product sales, make you better known in your business, etc.


Movies are CM methods that are unusable Because people think it’s hard or not cost-effective to make them.


As with movies, people sometimes think about selling their books. But smart marketers don’t just do it for sale, they sell it as a marketing tool.

Why are content marketing methods important?

Perhaps more important than content marketing methods is knowing why content marketing is important to your business. First of all, we need to understand the 4 main steps of the buying cycle;

  1. Awareness: Before awareness, the customer may have needs, but may not be aware that there is a solution for them.
  2. Research: As soon as the customer becomes aware that there is a solution, he or she will research to update himself or herself and learn new things. For example, a person who wants to buy a car may try to figure out what kind of car there is and which one is more suitable for him.
  3. Paying attention: At this stage, the customer starts comparing different products from different vendors to ensure that he is buying a high-quality product at a reasonable price.
  4. Shopping: Finally, the customer makes his decision and makes the purchase.

Traditional advertising and marketing methods are quite useful for the last two steps. CM encourages customers to shop by increasing people’s awareness and providing solutions they didn’t pay attention to before.

Where do we start content marketing?

Many companies offer content marketing services that are often associated with SEO services. If you are very busy and you can’t do the content marketing work for your company, try to hire a person or cooperate with a company that specializes in this area. But if you want to do it yourself, the best way to get started is to do blogging although It may seem difficult at first, but the more you do it, the more skill you will have. We are proud to say that on SAMYARI Art and Advertising Studio website you can easily learn how to do content marketing in a professional way.