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All right reserved © Sam Yari
enAll right reserved © Sam Yari 2019-2023

What are the types of videography?

There are several types of videography. Videography is the most widely used type of advertising method, which is a combination of images, text and sounds that are used to make the work more engaging; videography will greatly help the effectiveness of the advertising content.

If you are looking for a good way to advertise, but you are not sure to choose the right type of ad or you do not have enough experience and knowledge about the types of ads and their impact; in SAMYARI Art and Advertising Studio, we suggest that you can use of best videography advertisement for your marketing strategy and It should be noted that if the correct fonts are used in the videography steps and a suitable format used to deal with specific texts; Your ads will forever remain in the audience’s mind.

Besides, the use of color and movement along with music and appropriate sound makes your videography a special, although we have introduced other different methods for your branding and marketing in our studio and we chose the best one based on your conditions and situations.in this article we teach you the different type of videography for enhancing your knowledge.

SAMYARI’s videography is not only entitled to marketing videography but the team is also expert enough to do any video advertising, fashion Videography, or any other kinds of professional videographies.

Types of videography

Here are some of the most common types of videography.


  1. Live videography

    Live videography is one of the most common types of videography. In the live videography, you use real and recorded images, and you can combine them with related graphic images to create beautiful visual effects to attract customers. If you want to establish a good personal relationship between your business and your customers, this method will be very suitable for you because real images and videos of real scenes are displayed. Also in these videos, you can show your employees, customers about your products or services. Combining live videography with graphic elements has many advantages. The graphics add a new and important effect on the video, which will provide a better description of the product or service.

  2. Videography without using real images

    In this type of project, there are no longer real or living elements, and only the graphics worked in the project, which carries the heavy responsibility of conveying the advertising message. The graphics of this type of project are a combination of characters and vector elements, animated writing, as well as visual effects. Finally, adding the right music and sound effects will make video graphics even more appealing.

Motion graphics in videography

Motion graphics is a combination of two words of motion and graphics, and simply means, graphics that have motion and use the capabilities of both to convey the message. They generally do not use real images and use graphic design software such as Photoshop and Illustrator to design their graphics and convey messages and content in motion pictures by transferring content that this method has many advantages. Including the fact that the content can be presented to the audience more effectively and attractively in a shorter time. Motions can be displayed offline and online and categorized into following sub-categories;

  1. Real videos are videos in which real space is filmed and reports information. In the real-world video, graphic designs are not used much, and the main focus is on conveying the message are on filming, recording, sound and editing.
  2. Motion videos that these categories are a combination of video and graphics, which are mainly used in addition to increasing the attractiveness of displaying information that cannot be provided by video recording.
  3. Stop motion which is a technique used to photograph real objects. In this way, objects are moved in small pieces and photographed from each movement. Then all the photos are placed one after the other using special software to induce a sense of movement.
  4. Info Motion videos that are videos use infographic techniques to convey content. Graphics and motion are used in such a way that the main infographic techniques can be used to display content.

Animations in videography 

Animations are that area kind of videography that must have a specific character and a specific story and often deal with the story, psychological, emotional, and philosophical characters. Unlike motion graphics, they are character-oriented.

The difference between animation and motion graphics

  • The animation is more of a story and conveys its content to the audience through the story, but motion graphics rely more on images and visual elements such as form, color, texture and movement to present their content.
  • Motion graphics are often image-driven, but the animation is more character-driven.


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