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All right reserved © Sam Yari
enarfaAll right reserved © Sam Yari 2019-2023

10 simple Nature Photography Tips

What is Nature Photography

Nature photography is photography of landscapes, wildlife, plants, and pictures of natural textures. Photographs of this style are usually devoid of human presence or human elements such as buildings and even domesticated animals.

Nature photography covers a wide range of subjects, from plants to birds, insects, and wildlife. These pictures are generally prepared to provide accurate and factual information about nature, to display in educational magazines, books, specialized magazines, exhibitions, etc. The secret to the success of nature photography is to accurately represent the subject and its environment

Nature Photography Tips

In this article, I will talk about the some important things on natural photography and I will give you some tips to shooting better images.

1. Depth of Field is the Key


By keeping the many different elements of your landscape photography in focus, you can control the depth in your images. Use a small aperture to make background and foreground images appear sharp. Do whatever is necessary to prevent camera shake. A tripod can help with this.

2. Try to Capture Nature Moving


Although it may seem peaceful, nature is always moving. The ripple or surge of waves and the wind through prairie grass are important elements of a beautiful image. A longer shutter speed can allow you to capture all these essential effects. Just don’t forget to use a small aperture to control for lighting.

3. Use a Tripod


A longer shutter speed makes it even more imperative that you keep your camera absolutely still. Even if you use a fast shutter speed, a tripod is still a good idea. A wireless shutter release mechanism can also help with this. However, if you are intent on a more adventurous kind of landscape photography, it may not be practical to carry a tripod with you.

4. Focus on the foreground



It has an amazing feeling of exploring nature, and it’s not just about photography. The fresh air, good views, and experience of these places are all-powerful motivations to capture these moments with the camera.

Placing interesting objects in the foreground of the image will give the eye a place to look, and also produces more depth. One unusual way to do this is through composite photography.

5. Find the Right Focal Point


Every great nature photo needs a focal point, and landscapes are no different. Find something to focus on, like a rock, a tree, or a building. Otherwise, your image may look empty and purposeless.

6. Use the Right Filters


Whatever effect you’re going for, filters can help control the lighting and the color in your photo. It allows you to make the sky darker, clouds whiter, and reduce the amount of light on sunny days. Whether it’s an abandoned cabin in the wilderness or an underground sewer, you talking about finding and capturing its beauty. Using the right filters for desired effects is one of the many ways in which you achieve this goal.

7. Use the right equipment


Choose your tools based on the subject you are photographing. For example, for close-up photography of an insect or flower, large lenses are better and allow you to get closer to the subject. But when facing a landscape, use wide lenses to capture the entire scene.

If you are shooting wildlife, zoom and telephoto lenses are usually the best option, because it helps you get closer to the subject.

Every great nature photo needs a focal point, and landscapes are no different. Find something to focus on, like a rock, a tree, or a building. Otherwise, your image may look empty and purposeless.

8. Water is Mirror of Nature


If you time it right, water can produce all kinds of stunning effects. Almost anything in your landscape looks more dramatic when reflected in a calm, beautiful lake. For best results, try for a water effect just after sunrise or just before sunset, and of course, use a tripod. Mirroring effects are just a few of the landscape photography tips and tricks he has up his sleeve.

9. Pay Attention to Your Sky


If your sky is boring, your landscape will be too. Place your sky further up in your shot if it isn’t very compelling. If you have a dramatic sky with lots of action, lower the horizon and let it dominate the image.

10. Don’t Miss Composition


As a photographer, you will not always have enough time for proper framing. For this purpose, you must first understand the subject and the space of your photo frame. So you can capture the best image in the most ideal form possible in the shortest possible time and according to the nature of the subject. Your eye as a photographer must quickly find the best composition for any landscape in nature photography.

Further Reading:

How to take good landscape Photos?